Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 53

Had a good night. Everything accomplished. A little extra Wohlfahrt. Took notes on violinmasterclass vids earlier, and started working formally--or more so, on finger dropping, shifting, reviewing what I was learning on spiccato (with help from Buri), much of this in preparation for more serious legato.

Also, I downloaded Calvin Sieb's vids, and they seem good.

Several of the above have always been in the mix, but I was either lazy or just didn't really know how to get more serious about them--so, I've more just started finding my way. Seems to be going ok.

Also, I've been focusing on more stable posture in relation to what Amelia showed me. This means not shifting around so much; and, being aware of where I'm at when I'm playing foot-wise. Seems to be an improvement on it's own.. Cool.

I've been working on 3rd by just playing things like Ebb Tide for the time being, to get comfortable with getting above 3rd for about 4 notes with finger on crook of body. (see vmc: shifting).


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