Day 4
Tonight got started off slow, but near the end (couple hours all told) things happened. I had experimented with no shoulder rest, and later learned this is also an exercise in balancing the instrument. I will explore this further in the spirit of balance.
Practiced Suzuki songs some--enough. Ran major chord scales, messed with thirds and sixths--will it ever come!, and made some more discovery.
My discovery was further balancing the instrument. Just before I quit (about 30 mins.), I began again, releasing the chin, and quit leaning on the instrument. I at the same time started exploring the arcs I discovered the other night, and was shown, from the center. For a few minutes anyway, my power on G/D including vibrato was soooo cool. Did some elevator music while in this discovery mode and feel it coming--but still a little slowly. I 'sensed' some sort of subtle increasing of breadth of understanding that I cannot at this moment put into words.
For accomodations sake, this arc comes from knowing the most efficent way to a-produce good tones, and b-manipulate vibrato, double stops, and other thing (chords, ....). c-achieve the overall effect one is trying to get at. For me this arc, seems to raise the instrument and to the left (while staying centered) when manipulating G/D. And rolling the instrument back to my left when hitting A/E, especially in terms of vibrato and having a level plane to manipualte. This plane is another good geometric image upon which to rest an arc.
Practiced Suzuki songs some--enough. Ran major chord scales, messed with thirds and sixths--will it ever come!, and made some more discovery.
My discovery was further balancing the instrument. Just before I quit (about 30 mins.), I began again, releasing the chin, and quit leaning on the instrument. I at the same time started exploring the arcs I discovered the other night, and was shown, from the center. For a few minutes anyway, my power on G/D including vibrato was soooo cool. Did some elevator music while in this discovery mode and feel it coming--but still a little slowly. I 'sensed' some sort of subtle increasing of breadth of understanding that I cannot at this moment put into words.
For accomodations sake, this arc comes from knowing the most efficent way to a-produce good tones, and b-manipulate vibrato, double stops, and other thing (chords, ....). c-achieve the overall effect one is trying to get at. For me this arc, seems to raise the instrument and to the left (while staying centered) when manipulating G/D. And rolling the instrument back to my left when hitting A/E, especially in terms of vibrato and having a level plane to manipualte. This plane is another good geometric image upon which to rest an arc.
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