Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Day 57

Moved 3rds to completely extraneous session, and played some simple music in mixed 3rds and sixths.

Formal Practice:Lots of Wohlfahrt. I need to get back into the bowing patterns more. I'm noticing that the chin rest and securing the instrument is something I need to focus on more. Alot of my challenges have been because of a lack of coordination, and trying to do an Oistrakh imitation of fluidity. Well, at this point, I'm not Oistrakh, and certainly not fluid. The point is that I'm re-discovering basic posture, and the role of the chin and shoulder rest. OTOH, it is good that I lingered with a simple left hand support viewpoint for so long. I 'believe' that down the road, I'll find a nice balance for having done so.

I did all my elements and everything else of couse. Experimented with my timer to make my slices more effective. I cut down from 3:30, to 1:10 and take a short breather between. This helps with more challenging things (re: thirds)...

Other than practicing too long, a good and solid night.


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