Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Day 11

Low energy day and night, but still made ok progress.
40 warm ups
20 minutes Gavotte from Mignon
20 minutes Lully's Gavotte 3-regions
20 minutes Minuet in G
30 minutes Gavotte in G Minor

warm ups--got to focus on bow changes some, which was nice and went ok, but I need to simlify them until I get better with 'that point' where the change occurs. Did elements (see below) and had a pretty good run. Been working with finger dropping, and have a ways to go because of southpaw--but it's coming along--also need to ensure I don't accumulate tension in thumb while working with this. Following elements is a progress report on the 4 Suzuki songs.
# staccato
# martele
# legato (not)
# vibrato
# shifting (not)
# 1/3: 1/6
# 4th finger (not)
# bow pressure
# bow speed
# 3rd ;position (not)
# colle
# detache
# bow changes
# finger dropping

Gavotte from Mignon--Coming along good--I pretty much have it memorized now (I had been sloppy before, just working on parts), and have to work some more polishing a few places bowing.

Lully's Gavotte
-- I'm kickin on this'n.

Minuet in G-- This is coming along ok--Doing better with the staccato, and need to lighten it a little and still grab the note.

Gavotte in G Minor -- This is coming along very nicely--I still have some bowing polishing to do, but am generally well pleased.


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