Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 154 (Some days off!)

After a couple years every night practicing, I'm taking probably 3 or 4 days completely off. My wrist and other southpaw parts has been in pain since day 1 nearly, and I'm resting a couple days--with no regrets--I had to make myself say no regrets--I love playing. I have some administrative things to do anyway(scanning Hrimaly), and a little technical work--learing Sautille to do, so it's not entirely days off, but far from my routine.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Day 153

Very short night--much manual labor.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Day 152

Pretty good night--not stellar but ok.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Day 151

Fairly good night--no fireworks, but ok. Started getting the last measure of Sarabande--a 'little'--this is very frustrating, but I'll get it. Last night during afterburners, I was digging in to the measure leading up to the final one and it is going to be powerfully cool!.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Day 150

Pretty good night--tired--about 3 hours total.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 149

Pretty good night (2:30+).... My approach makes any progress seem in small bits and pieces by working on seven or eight songs formally, and an equal number informally, but that's the way it's going to be. The point: had some ok progress with little things in Humoreque, Martin's Gavotte, and my Sarabande. Plus another hour afterburner...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Day 148

Good night--or adequate.

Day 147 Night off

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 146

Good night--all business--pretty good focus. Full session.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Day 145

My short night last night bit back--I had to jump through major hoops to get to practice at all tonight--but jump I did. Pretty good night--mandatories--Suzuki etc.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Day 144

Short night--no energy. I did about an hour and a half (a little more), but still have company so I decided to take it easy tonight.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Day 143

Good night.... Got a late start but focus was nice, all considered. I haven't put Min_G on the shelf yet, and tonight played it like it knew it was on a slippery slope in my repetoire--I'm thinking about using it to practice spiccato with in the trio just for the heck of it.

I have a few minutes left over before I do my current etudes, so I integrate whole bow vibrato along with bow changes for deeper exposure.

I've been noticing a little improvement in my upbow staccato--I think maybe because I've been focusing on getting the nervousness out of my bow arm in general. I was bouncing that bow on the Min_G trio (actually a little too much), but it was fun. Also though, the clean detatched passes were cleaner too.....

Trying to get the last phrase of theme 2 Sarabande under hat tonight. I just jammed through the double stop type detache string crossings and they sounded 'fairly' good.

I'm getting really consistent in my goal of silking on Air on G string--oh yes--I like it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 142

Fairly good night--everything accomplished. Starting to smooth out my bowing using Air on G String as a model for Chamber, legato, cantabile, and etc. Also, reviewed bow hold and in good shape but working further with this. Considering the role of sounding point control (f2-f3), and fine tuning my finger contact using Sassmanhaus as method. Air is souning so very smooth, and can only get even better. I'm looking forward to using this song in so many ways--progressive bow contact and etc. exploring volume....

Monday, April 09, 2007

Day 141

Good night. Everything accomplished. Continued working on Sarabande (997), and got down to the last measure. Also added some of the incidentals discussed earlier on 1st theme. Started getting some groove on the 2nd theme down to where I am; and, moved open d> to a double stop on G to continue the series of 5 double stops down the g-string rather than have to do the added string crossing--works nicely when I can play it nicely.

Got my 10 instead of 5 minutes on arpeggios going.

Suzuki (particularly Minuet in G) was pretty unfocused at a couple points--nothing new about that but I try and stay focused. I'm convinced it's because I'm not that fond of Min_G.... It's very difficult to play smoothly and convincingly if one does not like it. I'm thinking about putting that one specifically on the shelf for awhile until I get reinspired--maybe listen to Nadien do it some or something.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Day 140

Good night..... Got everything done, though wasn't as focused as could've been on some Suzuki. Played about an hour and a half beyond practice for pleasure. Finished sketching almost 2nd theme from BWV 997, or at least got past the sticking point, and down through the very last measures... It was more difficult because I was transposing it as I learned it by ear, though I had originally learned it by tablature on guitar.

Sarabande (997) is a wonderful song for violin to me. I like the challenge of taking the lutish guitar treatment to violin detached notes, as well as the various things I'm learning to do with the detache runs on the first theme. The second theme has some neat challenges as well--all the way down to the very last notes. I'll be adding to the basic structure for some time just to get all the accents I can incorporated--for instance I skipped a measure that can now be worked in as a counterpoint choosing purely melody the first time around. The next level, I hope to add a couple chords on the very first measure of theme 1.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Day 139

Snuck in a short :45 session between events.

Day 138 Day off--for real.

as he wrangles his hands. House full of company 10 extra people.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Day 137

Good night.... Back on schedule for the moment--everything accomplished plus a little playing for pleasure:
Love Story
Bist du bei mir
The Shadow of Your Smile
I'm in the Mood for Love
Hello Darkness
Scarborough Fair
El Casa....Sarabande

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Day 136

Another short one.... Basics only.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Day 135

Short night--basics only--no Suzuki. 1:15.. Played for pleasure another hour plus.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Day 134

Good night. Worked on Sarabande a little. Has quite some ways to go, but it's so fun....