Centers...centers: I'm not only discovering my center in playing, but this discovery has been very signficant, and only has room for further improvement. My out-of-the box additions to what I was shown, was playing with arcs in general both in my mind and implementation--because I can do that. Also, in relation to these arcs, I started finding my 'real' ranges of motion within each, though I still poorly understand the arc over the strings--I feel that will come though. Coloring Laura's kinesiology coloring book in college finally paid off ;)....
These centers, also illuminated directly and tellingly where my overuse issue was coming from--another epiphany.... I actually saw it happening in the mirror. Thus I discovered, that when I'm attempting to vibrate on G/D, that my instrument moves to the left of my center, or so it appears--the twisting of my wrist completely disappeared.
Also, in extending these centers, I started doing zen like stuff with three machines--my neck, my chest, and my waist. Doing deep relaxation on the upper two while doing torso twists just holding the instrument seems to be taking me somewhere though it's still a half formed thought.
Finally these centers, in relation to the arcs mentioned above helped me to define Alexandrian type ranges of motion that deserve extra comments. I found the 'range' in my waste and pulled back to 10% before that range where I could feel any tension in my lower back. The same with flowing the elbow in it's arc under the instrument.. The same thing with a couple arcs in my bowing arm.
Power For whatever reason, being in close proximity to someone who is good, helped me understand what more powerful use of the bow means implemented. Though I watch youtube alot to try and improve my posture and bowing, there is something spatially and visually instructive in being close to someone else who can 'really' make the thing sing.... Why this does not work at a distance, or on recorded media I do no know yet. Maybe I won't know--but that's ok too--I have too much other stuff to work on...
AppreciationBeing around a lot better people has helped me (or perhaps hurt me) in terms of appreciating even more my love for violin. I say hurt, because I fell in love with violin like it was my first football or deer. This does not create illusions/delusions of grandeur so much as feeling abstractions related to the upper potentials of the instrument--I may need a sports psychologist for this!.
I began by not setting limits, not becoming entangled with imagination, and pressing forward like I was expanding spring crops. Along with learning to slow my learning speed down (Haun, Perlman), this has been the second series of leaps in six weeks or less. So it's made me a little agitated in ways that even this, is something that will be slowed down. My personal approach thus far has been to publish it so as to make my self accountable--this, now, has been done.
All said though, I know in a couple days I'll settle down and even benefit more from these notions once this adreneline wears off. Though it still scares me a little that now, I can envision myself being able to play Schubert's Ave nearly as pretty and powerfully as a professional, I'm simply not going to let my mind go there too much. The music with me, will lead the way.